Saturday, April 28, 2007

i'd better start the ball rolling..

looks like the cboxes are rather alive, but the posts arent,
so i've decided to say something.
.. but im still not sure what to say. hrm..
lets see.
ok, so all of you know that we're having an off day, thanks to us (kind of anyway), and so we can relax. ok, not really. coz there are ccts coming up... but let's forget that.

many musicians in rise still don't know about this blog, so i think we can do our part and tell them. right.

maybe mr sze, miss shen and mr ong can be introduced to this blog?
ok, maybe that's not such a good idea, but let's think about it.

i've run out of things to say.

auspicium melioris musiciori aevi

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