Saturday, July 28, 2007

David's close shave without a shaver

Eh i just got this from david. You know...that one day he was pissing me off real i saw him standing next to the water-thingy...then i felt a sudden compelling urge to push him in. So i powered over like a raging bull #2 and this it what happened...

Fortunately kuangnan reacted in a lightning-quick kungfu-magic chinaman-blur and saved his sorry butt. A little slower and dave'll have become a luo4 tang1 ji1 (chicken that dropped into soup). Here the chicken is dave. And the soup is the vast expanse of clear, calm, collected liquid known to man as water.

Lesson to be learnt: Never stand next to water when you've just pissed Adriel Chang off. And 2, always have a kuangnan or someone similar who has quick chinaninja reflexes that'll respond at the right place, and at the right time.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Brother Wang

Yo dawgs check it out! Brother Jerry Walter Wang is in da HOUUUSEE!!!

Thats the 3 random photos of our favourite Sec4...Brother Jerry Walter Wang!!

Alright here's some from today. After school Toh Xue Qian, Adriel Chang and Brother Jerry Walter Wang gathered in 4K classroom to have a showdown of musical talents. It is my proud honour to announce that Brother Jerry Walter Wang beat the other 2 by 1298 points! A remarkable scoreline if you ask me. Adriel Chang and Alex Sally Toh were beaten soundly with them obtaining scores of 5 and 5.5 respectively. Brother Jerry Walter Wang blew away the oppostion with a stunning collection of 1303 points! My goodness gracious!

Lucky for you we have some memoirs from the event. A few pictures of his breath-taking showcase..

Action Stance #1 - Brother Jerry Walter Wang entered the fight with a Bang! The opposition were thrown offguard and offcentre and offbalance!

Action Stance #2 - This one sealed the opposition's doom. Here's a closeup!

As you can see from his determined expression, the fight was close, but not close enough as Brother Jerry Walter Wang showed his prowess through grit and sheer skill. His bow flitting back and forth like a girl's hand when she's giving her ex-boyfriend a bitch-slap, it certainly weaved magic on his beautiful brown-coloured-varnish violin as heavenly notes filled the air and resonated in the close confines of the small classroom. It was a peformance unlike any other. Opposition Toh Xue Qian could only stare in amazement..

Yes. I know you're amazed. This very person was caught sleeping during Headmaster's Assembly. Someone who sleeps during a 100%-exciting talk is amazed by violin playing? The player must be some bomb! Check it out!

Alright just to end off. Here's a nice picture taken at NY ^^

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