Saturday, July 28, 2007

David's close shave without a shaver

Eh i just got this from david. You know...that one day he was pissing me off real i saw him standing next to the water-thingy...then i felt a sudden compelling urge to push him in. So i powered over like a raging bull #2 and this it what happened...

Fortunately kuangnan reacted in a lightning-quick kungfu-magic chinaman-blur and saved his sorry butt. A little slower and dave'll have become a luo4 tang1 ji1 (chicken that dropped into soup). Here the chicken is dave. And the soup is the vast expanse of clear, calm, collected liquid known to man as water.

Lesson to be learnt: Never stand next to water when you've just pissed Adriel Chang off. And 2, always have a kuangnan or someone similar who has quick chinaninja reflexes that'll respond at the right place, and at the right time.

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