Monday, August 20, 2007

uber random stuff


Let's gather everyone back again - firstly I would like to say that I'm no longer appearing on MSN so please use the normal method of emailing me if you wish to contact me or sms me.

And probably because of the recent inactivities of the sec 4s we do not have much emails on YahooGroups except for Jinghui's as of 2204hrs today. (20/08)

But I don't get the RISEforums RISEblogs RISEYahoogroups so many don't know which one to post on. So here goes.

In case anyone doesn't know rehearsals have recently been angled literally to the violin 1s - just some cool info for anyone who's setting up -.- it may change, who knows.

I'm trying my upmost best to post non-crap stuff. but it does not seem to be working.

Ok bye.

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